On the last day of the sixth lunar month, villagers in Guima, Yunnan carry out a rite to commemorate national hero Nong Zhigao in a riverside outside the village. A bull was sacrificed during the rite. A male ritual specialist conducted the rite. After several men killed the bull, the ritual specialist offered raw beef. After the rite, the bull's head, skin, and legs were put on the ground. They all belonged to the ritual specialist and the beef were divided into 41 portions and every household sent a person to pick up the beef.
陳淑芬 Chan Suk-fan
《最佳禮物—鴨子/Duck as the best gift of Zhuang Ghost Festival》
郭揚義 Kuo Yang-yi
《寧靜致遠的重層存有:眷村物質文化拾穗/Sedimentary Existence - A Glimpse of Material Culture in Juancun》
物質文化研究學者認為,物質不是過去我們所認為的只是人類社會之「反映」,相反地,物質能夠表達人類說得出與說不出(ineffable)的意念或想法;或者我們甚至可以進一步說,沒有了物質作為基礎,我們的想法是無法表達清楚的。因此「物質文化本身就是社會文化」,不是「社會的反映」,而物質本身的重要性與地位,其實並不亞於思想、情感或社會本身。從這個角度來看,眷村所代表的不只是某些人的某一段歷史與生活記憶,眷村及其物質文化,是人類在特定時空背景之下的思考模型與存有方式。「就本質上而言,我們是物質性的存在(materiality is all we are),我們所擁有的一切也是如此(all we have)」(Pearce, Susan M. 2013. Foreword. Museum Materialities: Objects, Engagements, Interpretations. S. H. Dudley, Routledge: xiv)。這個眷村雜貨店主人每日生活與經營生意的角落,清楚地向我們說明了這一件事。